site traffic safe & efficient
Provides drivers with traffic flow and system status updates, while displaying a countdown to the next green signal. This feature works in both fixed time and traffic-actuated modes.
Enables increased communication reliability in areas or setups where the standard omni-directional antenna is not suitable. Quick plug and play installation and 2-7 miles communication (with a clear line-of-sight) depending on signal model.
The RMS provides the user with peace of mind, knowing that the portable traffic signal system is under 24/7 monitoring. Real time updates are provided by means of text message and/or email. The user can login to a secure website to view fault and data logs, battery voltage, trailer location and operations status. The user can also set up a permissible physical area of operation to prevent theft. Should the signal trailer move outside the defined area, the user will be immediately notified by text/email of the movement violation.
The Cyclist Extension feature allows cyclists to activate the signal via a pushbutton, which will then extend the red clearance interval during the service of the phase. This provides an extended amount of time for the cyclist to safely clear the work zone before opposing traffic is permit ted to proceed. A dedicated cyclist signal display clearly communicates when it is safe for cyclists to proceed. This feature prioritizes cyclist safety while minimizing delays for all road users
Ideal solution for locations where pedestrian crosswalks are necessary, or in high-traffic areas where crossing without a signalized intersection would pose a safety risk. The pedestrian signal is triggered by a push button, allowing pedestrians to request a walk signal after a preset clearance period. This feature improves pedestrian safety while reducing delays for all road users.
Used to hardwire two units together for wired communication. This negates wireless communication and omits HHR function.
Microwave Sensor that detects approaching vehicles to initiate a green cycle on triggered unit.
High-definition (1080p) recording and monitoring of work zones, with optional 4G LTE remote access, for the security of equipment and workers. The standard system records up to 384 hours (16 days) of video data, before memory overwrite occurs. The total storage capacity can be expanded to 768 hours or 32 days of video data.
The addition of an intrusion alarm is an added safety feature. If the sensor's infrared beam is broken, an alarm signals the entire job site that a vehicle or pedestrian has unsafely crossed into the work zone.
Works the same as a Traffic Sensor but detects the vehicles presence in the zone. Ideal for low speed detection applications (driveway).
Video Detection - zones in the video area triggered by a vehicle, initiating a green cycle on the unit.
Used to turn signal Green for approaching emergency vehicles. Triggered by Class "A" sirens.
Used to turn unit Green for approaching emergency vehicles. Triggered by strobe emitter on emergency vehicle.
Detects vehicles in motion and is not affected by temperature, humidity, colour, or background variations, up to 2,000 ft. detection range.
Allows a permanent intersection controller to run the signal lights - bypasses NAT controller functions.
Allows a permanent intersection controller to run the signal lights - bypasses NAT controller functions.
Allows the operator to be safely positioned in a work vehicle, while still safely visually monitoring and controlling traffic flow.
Used for housing generator or 4-6V batteries for Illumination or charging applications. Available on the PTL2.4x. ***Generator not included
Manual operation by means of a wireless hand held remote with three color coded buttons. Red - All Stop, Green - Phase 1 green activation, Black - Phase 2 green activation.
Low maintenance and autonomy is comparable to the flooded lead acid batteries and able to better withstand freezing temperatures.
Upgrade unit from 12 batteries to 16 batteries. Increase the autonomy from 24 days to 30 days.
Available on the PTL2.4x and exceeds MTO specification of 22,000 Lumens.
Battery operated LED Illumination available on the PTL2.4x (installed on mast arm).
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