In 1987, Peter was a project estimator on a waterline project near Binbrook, Ontario. In those days, the prospects for someone in his position to retire comfortably were slim and Peter was actively thinking about ways to avoid relying on the goodwill Read More

North America Traffic was fortunate enough to be able to work with McLeod Safety, a local traffic control company who was integral in getting our PTL2.4x in front of the TIR (Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal) for the approval process. Read More

Electromega Ltée, est fier de confirmer son association avec le principal fabricant de système de contrôle portable pour la circulation, North America Traffic. Cette entente permettra la distribution des systèmes de contrôle temporaire de la circulation dans Read More

Now, the Coroner’s Jury report, just released this past month (February 2018) by Dr. Elizabeth Urbantke, takes us back to the tragic events at the construction site on Highway 3, near St. Thomas, Ontario, and reminds us of why we are here. Read More

Seeing him begin to set up portable traffic signals can only mean one thing to local residents: Weeks, if not months, of delays for their daily commutes. Seeing Stickney in action, the motorists instantly realize the bridge or road ahead is going to be down Read More

NAT field service staff accompanied the new units to instruct Swenson’s supervisors on how to configure the lights. The four signal sets synchronize automatically, as any one of the units can be designated as the master. Read More

One of the country’s most established specialists in traffic control equipment is now the authorized dealer for the industry’s innovation leader in portable traffic signals and AFADs (Automated Flagger Assistance Devices) in Massachusetts. Read More

NAT manufactures a complete range of solar-assist portable traffic signals and automated flagger assistance devices (AFADs). North America Traffic is known as a leading innovator in the portable signals field. Read More

As the Traffic Safety Leader, North America Traffic (NAT) is thrilled to announce its newest distributor and service partnership. As the name suggests, RoadSafe Traffic Systems, Inc., based in Chicago, puts safety first and foremost as the single largest provider Read More