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Advanced Warning Flasher


Safety is and always has been our number one priority. Work zones can be dangerous and drivers need to be completely focused any time they approach one. The AWF 2.8 Advanced Warning Flasher is designed to communicate with our other signaling devices and provide advance warning to drivers that they need to slow down for a work zone ahead or can be used independently. Reliable communication from our traffic lights provides a signal to the AWF which begins a warning flash pattern, triggering the motorist’s attention well in advance of the work zone.
  • AWF2.8 Image 161
  • AWF2.8 Image 168
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Features Resources Request More Info RAQ
  • Register for Free Training
  • Small footprint and lightweight design
  • Compliant with the NEMA TS-5 Environmental Standards
  • User-friendly controller
  • Quick set up time
  • Power is supplied by a bank of batteries with a 120 volt charger
  • 12” yellow LED lamps mounted in a horizontal configuration, positioned on either side of the warning sign
  • 21 day operation without sun
  • 100 watt solar array
  • 8 batteries – 6 volt deep cycle


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AWF 2.8 Dimensions

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What They're Saying

We are very happy with the new set of portable traffic lights we purchased. After demoing a set of your Light Duty lights and sending them out to the field, we decided to purchase a set. I have had several supervisors use them and I have received an overall very positive response from them. The most beneficial points being that they are much lighter and more maneuverable (we can push them around by hand when necessary), the set up is quick and simple and they set up with the flow of traffic (unlike others that you must face oncoming traffic while setting up the light). Programming has also been an issue at times for us but with this new set of lights, it seems to be much easier and almost foolproof. The Light Duty Lights that you offer have become the lights of choice for our crews to use. Please feel free to have anyone contact me about how these fit into a program like ours.

Matt Chapin
Lake Erie Construction Company
We can help make your job
site traffic safe & efficient