Stop for Students: Ensuring Work Zone Safety Near Schools

With classes back in session, school buses running, kids walking to and from school and parents rushing to drop off kids on their way to work, it’s essential to address road safety near schools, especially those close to ongoing work zones.
Did you know that each year at the start of the school year, there’s usually a rise in motor vehicle accidents involving children aged 5 to 15 who walk? In 2021, the number of children in this age group injured in motor vehicle accidents while walking increased by 165 percent from August to September. The added risk of work zones only heightens this concern. Today’s blog will explore the unique challenges posed by school traffic and construction zones, offering practical tips to ensure the safety of students, parents and school staff. From the importance of clear signage and designated crossing areas to strategies for managing traffic flow during peak school hours, this blog will provide valuable insights for navigating work zones safely.
Challenges With Pedestrian Safety Near Schools and Work Zones
Nearly 60 percent of Canadians believe there are more unsafe driving practices in school zones today than in the past. All pedestrians, whether they walk, bike, ride the bus or carpool, are entitled to a safe journey. However, work zones can make pedestrians and workers more vulnerable to speeding, illegal parking/stopping and distracted driving. Nearly half of Canadians say they have witnessed a distracted driver in a school zone. These driver behaviours are especially hazardous given typical student behaviour in these areas. Higher rates of injuries occur at the start of each school year, often coinciding with school commute times. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), from 2012 to 2021 more school-aged pedestrians were killed between 6 to 6:59 a.m. and 3 to 3:59 p.m. than during any other hours of the day. Common student behaviours leading to injuries include darting into traffic, crossing in front of or behind school buses or other vehicles, playing in roadways and crossing intersections or multi-lane roads. Additionally, teen pedestrians using digital devices in school zones – whether talking on the phone, texting, engaging in social media, listening to music or gaming – face increased risks. With mobile device use on the rise among students of all ages, reducing driver speeds and increasing driver vigilance is vital.
Best Practices to Ensure Road Safety Near School Zones and Work Zones
According to the Transport Canada National Collision Database, September through November are the most dangerous months for young pedestrians, with more accidents happening during these months than at any other time of the year. Both workers and parents can help by using the proper school zone traffic controls and promoting safe habits to ensure pedestrians stay safe during nearby construction.
Educating Pedestrians and Parents
Ensuring road and pedestrian safety near schools takes a community effort. The first step is to raise awareness by educating the public about the seriousness and shared responsibilities of the issue. Students should learn pedestrian and bicycle safety both at school and at home. They should also understand the risks in work zones and how these can affect their commute to and from school. Educating parents is different. As the most frequent violators of school traffic regulations, they need to be made thoroughly aware of drop-off and pick-up procedures at the beginning of the year. Schools might even consider sending reminders throughout the year to keep everyone on track.
Providing Clear Signage
Well-placed signs provide crucial information to drivers and students within school and work zones. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) sets minimum uniform standards for traffic control devices, including signs, signals and pavement markings to promote safety on highways and streets in the United States. Some jurisdictions have additional requirements beyond those in the MUTCD, meaning school zones in these areas must comply with both federal and local standards. There are a number of school zone traffic signs that serve to alert and educate drivers. Some of the most important include, speed limit signs, school advance warning signs, end school zone signs, school crossing signs, flashers and radar speed signs (driver feedback signs). Clear pedestrian traffic signals installed along intersections and crosswalks are equally important, as they allow young pedestrians to cross the street safely and reach their destinations securely.
Ensuring Designated Crossing Areas
Installing proven interventions like crosswalks, speed limits, visible school zone traffic signs and lights is a crucial way for communities to protect pedestrians. According to the Safe Kids Worldwide “Alarming Dangers in School Zones” study, marked crosswalks were missing in 3 out of 10 observed crossings. While this is only 30 percent, it shows that some school zones in North America still lack this basic safety feature. Designated crosswalks significantly improve pedestrian safety and make it easier for everyone to cross. In school zones, they mark safe locations for students to cross. At traffic signals and stop signs, they guide pedestrians to the correct crossing location and prevent vehicles from blocking the pedestrian path.
PED2.9: Safely Managing Pedestrian Traffic During Peak School Hours
Unsafe street crossing behaviour was seen in about 80 percent of students, according to the results of the Safe Kids Worldwide “Alarming Dangers in School Zones” study. To enhance safety in residential construction areas, consider using North America Traffic’s PED2.9 Portable Pedestrian Signal in addition to our portable traffic signals and automated flagger assistance devices (AFADs). Designed to operate in conjunction with our portable traffic signal, here are some of the features that make the PED2.9 ideal for work zones near school zones or areas where visibility is poor and crosswalks are scarce.
- MUTCD Compliant LED Light: The PED2.9 features an LED light for its signal display and countdown timer, making it easy to see and follow for people of all ages. Designed to meet MUTCD’s standards, it’s widely accepted by the public and simple for workers to operate.
- Piezo Pedestrian Push Button: When activated, the push button signals the user’s intent to walk. The machine processes this request and allows pedestrians to cross safely at the appropriate interval.
- 21-Day Operation Without Sun: Faulty equipment can cost you time, money and the livelihood of workers. Our product is equipped with solar panels to assist in daily operation. It can last up to three weeks without direct sunlight, ensuring all young pedestrians stay safe during back-to-school.
Keep Pedestrians Safe in School Zones and Work Zones with NAT
Increase safety this school year with North America Traffic. Whether you’re aiming to improve pedestrian or work zone safety, we offer a wide range of innovative traffic solutions, from portable traffic signals to AFADs, to increase traffic control and safety. Contact North America Traffic today to request a quote. Our team is ready to learn more about your needs and help make your job site traffic safer and more efficient.