Get Involved in National Work Zone Awareness Week

April showers aren’t the only thing we see in spring. Higher temperatures and clear road conditions mean that construction work is back in season. And, as we begin to see an increase in roadwork in residential and high-traffic areas, it’s important for communities across North America to make an effort to keep roads, and the people who work on them, safe.
According to the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA), data released by the National Safety Council (NSC) indicates that in 2020, traffic accidents were responsible for a total of 4.8 million injuries and 42,060 deaths. These statistics showed an 8% increase in fatalities over 2019, which illustrates the necessity of implementing traffic safety protocols. So, to make roads safer for workers, we’re encouraging workers and civilians to participate in National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW). From April 26-30, you can take part in the annual initiative through various activities that will help us all to “Drive Safe. Work Safe. Save Lives.”
Why National Work Zone Awareness Week Matters.
North America Traffic has spent the last 25 years designing and perfecting portable traffic signals and Automated Flagger Assistance Devices (AFADs) that keep flaggers safe and improve jobsite efficiency. Our longstanding commitment to making innovative road safety products has also made us advocates for the use of proper safety equipment and safety training within the workplace. We believe that it’s important for workers, citizens and corporations to promote and practice proper jobsite safety and driving etiquette 365 days of the year.
National Work Zone Awareness Week provides an excellent platform for road workers, companies and municipalities to come together and raise awareness for worker safety and training, and to show support for individuals who have lost their lives in road work accidents.
First conceived by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) in 1998, NWZAW gained national support after VDOT approached the ATSSA. The following year, ATSSA officials connected with “the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) to launch the first official NWZAW.” Together, these organizations established the foundational goals of NWZAW, which includes advocating for safer driving behaviour and creating and enforcing unified safety standards on jobsites.
Because everyone plays a role in keeping roads safe, NWZAW welcomes participants from a variety of industries and organizations to take part in its annual campaign. This year’s theme, “Drive safe. Work Safe. Save Lives,” references the responsibility that both workers and drivers have for maintaining safe roads. North America Traffic believes that everyone should feel empowered to demand safe working conditions and proper training on the job.
NWZAW gives individuals the opportunity to feel seen and heard through events like “Go Orange Day,” which encourages individuals to wear orange in support of those who have lost their lives on the job, and “Work Zone Safety Training Day,” which encourages companies to devote some time during their day to discuss, practice and implement safety protocols. If you plan to take part in NWZAW “Work Zone Safety Training Day” and “Go Orange Day,” don’t forget to use ATSSA social media handles on Twitter (@ATTSAHQ) or Facebook (@ATSSATraffic), and tag #Orange4Safety.
Join Us in Making Job Sites Safer!
From April 26-30 you can participate in NWZAW by implementing proper training, equipment and safety standards on your job site, or by instructing your staff, team members, friends and acquaintances on the necessity of safe driving practices. Transform your advocacy into ongoing safety by contacting North America Traffic today! Our range of portable traffic control products offer optimal safety for workers, drivers and pedestrians alike.