Drive Safe This Summer

When most of us think of dangerous driving conditions, we draw up images of heavy snow and slippery roads, but year after year research shows that the warmer months are in fact the most dangerous.
According to a report compiled by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD), July was the worst month of 2021 for construction fatalities with four deaths, followed by May and June.
Join North America Traffic in making this July different.
To get you started on the right track, we’ve compiled a list of tips to keep both you and road workers safe this summer.
Slow Down and Pay Attention to Road Signs
Summer is the busiest time of year for construction. As a motorist, you may begin to notice heavier traffic and more road signs during the warmer months than in previous seasons.
And even though spotting these signs may ignite a fury of rage deep inside you, it’s important that you remain calm and attentive to these road signs.
Road signs contain essential information for drivers, like road work ahead, closures, and traffic conditions. Following these signs is not only important for your safety but for the safety of other drivers, pedestrians, and workers on the road.
Remember to always look ahead, follow posted speed limits and keep a safe distance between other vehicles.
Respect and Listen to Road Workers
What would you do if someone disrespected you at your place of work? You probably wouldn’t like it, would you?
Driving unsafely in a construction zone demonstrates a complete lack of respect for those who work there. Anytime you disobey the rules of the road you are putting their lives in great danger as orange cones are often the only things separating them from your vehicle.
Be Considerate of All Those On the Road
The road is a shared space. We must remember to be mindful of road workers, other drivers and pedestrians every time we head onto the road. This could be as simple as remembering to signal before turning or switching lanes, yielding to pedestrians, or giving the car in front of you a one-car-length buffer.
Limit the Use of Flaggers
Human flaggers put themselves in harm’s way every time they step onto a roadway. The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR) Data Center found that flaggers have the highest risk of injury or fatality amongst construction workers, with 41 out of every 100,000 workers killed on the job each year.
Instead of putting these workers at risk, trust North America Traffic’s RCF 2.4 Automated Flagger Assistance Device (AFAD). Recognized as the safest alternative to human flaggers, AFADs allow road workers to control traffic from a safe location, out of harm’s way from the travelling motorist. Drivers can also see remote-controlled flagmen at a further distance than human flaggers, providing them with more time to slow down or stop.
For over 25 years, North America Traffic has been committed to improving the safety of workers in all types of work zones through AFAD technology. AFADs are one of the best ways to mitigate safety concerns in road construction zones. To learn more about our AFADs, request a quote, or find a dealer, visit our website or get in touch by phone toll-free at 1-877-352-4626.